September 10, 2009

Healthy Habits!

Red Bull, Chips, Confectioneries, Lack of sleep, Instant food, No exercise, Booze, Soft Drinks, Coffee, Ice Cream and Chocolate isn't really the best way to live and eat your life. Right there I have just describe my habits for the last two weeks and I wonder why I feel so shit lately. Well I hadn't been to school in like a week and I finally came to school yesterday and I honestly don't know why but I felt as if I was the new kid around. Yr 12 concert is soon and been talking to a few mates and we might get an act going but so far we might not be. I won't say what kind of act we might do but I'm positive the children and teachers of Sefton High will love it. Well today started alright then it degraded to shit and then it degraded further into diarrhea..... Kinda depressing actually. I don't know why people try to avoid the truth, seriously whats done is done. You can't change whats happened the only thing you can do is move on and except whats happened and suffer the consequences. Anyway, Got nominated for state titles again but this time down on the south coast. Got to go some meeting on Sunday night to find out the details and whether I am going or if I can go seeing as I have HSC coming up soon and a lot of organizing for the scouts coming up. The other day I saw a statement by someone which actually got a chain of thought happening about an incident a while ago but thats another thing I'll keep to myself. Been thinking lately that I need a new hobby away from RC's (remote control race cars), I thought maybe I should get back into to DJing seeing as I loved doing before and I didn't know why I stopped but oh well. Only thing I need to do now is update the music list. Currently scabbing music off everyone and downloading heaps. hehe. At the moment I estimate my UAI maybe around the 50-60 which for me I quite happy with seeing as I would be the first in the family to ever get a HSC. My dad always wanted his HSC but couldn't because back in the day he had to drop school so he could work to support the family. Kind of sucked actually but the stories he use to tell me sounded like he was having fun everyday of the bloody week even at work but work then and work now is completely different. Not long now till my life is pretty much sorted out because right now it's a bloody mess....

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