Well got my suit the other day looking quite smick in it as well. Didn't think I pull it off but I did in the end. Modern Warfare 2 came out as well and I have to say its so fucking bloody awesome. Too bad the single player story line missions were short and with a weird ending. Must me a Modern Warfare 3 coming out then . OMG can't wait for that to come out then.
Today we had referee's presentation night/AGM and man it was boring as hell. Me, Haz, Nik and soem other mates decided to have fun with all the cups that were given to us to drink from but we didn't need. We came up with some stupid things such as face masks and Playstation controllers to towers. We also became evil doctors and swap the heads of two jelly babies. We were acting the goat for at least the whole 4 hours. Greatest laugh and joke I've had in ages with anyone.
Coming up I've got Formal, camp and interviews at Manly which will be a pain in the arse to get to. I'm not quite organised for formal. Completely disorganized for camp and interviews are soon and I haven't even booked yet. Oh well, Looks like I'm gonna be busy these next couple of days.
My pinky finger is still in the shape of an L. Which means Its been like this for just over a week now. Looks like I'm gonna have to see a doctor about it. The amazing thing about it is I seriously can't feel anything in it. I know its not broken. The only thing I can think of why it's like this is because I've busted a nerve in it. Awesome much?
Signing out of school life forever on Thursday which will be interesting as I don't know what I'm going to do if I bump into to certain people .... I reckon I should just run with the flow. See what happens and make quick decisions when the time is right.
The only reason our world revolves is because humans must hate. Why? Seriously everywhere you go you hear of hate in some manner. It's stupid. I know I'm one of those hater type people but I hate the right things, such as young kids acting as if they are twice their age and as if they were king shit and the world revolves around them. Seriously sometimes I think the world needs a big smack in the face to realise how stupid we have all become. Why am I ranting on about absolute shit I have no idea...
November 16, 2009
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